The new features of LesLinq 2.0

LesLinq 2.0 is out! This new version includes significant enhancements and new features that will help you create sparkling content better than ever before. We’ve listed all the features of LesLinq 2.0 below. General improvements • Enhanced user interface•...

Instructional Design for eLearning: 4 reasons why you should use it

When creating effective eLearning content, you cannot get around the concept of Instructional Design. It is the process of creating materials and experiences to optimize learning. Instructional Design serves as the foundation for effective, inspiring and engaging...

How to adjust the Interactive Map

Recently a few new Interactive Sets have been added to Leslinq. One of them is the Interactive Map. In this article we’ll explain how to add that Interactive Set and how to change it. Add the Interactive Map to your project To add the ‘Interactive Map’...