Why microlearning?

Microlearning is all about learning in bite-sized chunks. No more long, drawn-out training sessions—instead, you get quick, interactive modules that you can complete in just a few minutes. It’s the perfect way to gain knowledge quickly and effectively, without taking up too much of your time.

human memory leslinq

Better retention

Our brains have limited capacity. They can only remember 5 to 9 topics at a time.


Short attention span

Our attention span is brief. Microlearning sessions of just a few minutes are six times more effective than long training sessions.

woman doing a leslinq microlearning

Increased motivation to learn

Interactive microlearning makes learning fun! This boosts motivation to keep going.

The benefits of microlearning with LesLinq

Less time, more results

Short and powerful learning modules allow employees to quickly pick up new skills without missing out on work.

Boosts motivation

The flexibility and ease of short learning sessions make learning enjoyable.

Breaks down language barriers

With the automatic translation feature, your microlearning content becomes accessible to all your employees.

Makes learning fun

Interactive elements and multimedia create an engaging and enjoyable learning experience.

Wide reach

With easy access on any device, without the need for login or installation, you can reach a broad audience effortlessly.

More fun and motivation

We recently conducted research on how LesLinq impacts learner enjoyment and motivation. With 111 LesLinq users participating, the results are promising! LesLinq truly makes a difference in how people learn.

Interactivity enhances learning enjoyment

Our study shows that the interactive elements, like quizzes and clickable features, significantly boost user enjoyment. This dynamic, engaging approach not only makes learning more enjoyable but also more effective. The results indicate LesLinq excels in these interactive features.

microlearning research results

Better content presentation
The use of multimedia and animations helps users understand information better and enjoy the learning process more. A well-designed presentation of content makes a world of difference in how knowledge is absorbed and retained. LesLinq excels at offering visually appealing and informative content that aids learners in grasping the material more quickly and efficiently.

Flexible learning anytime, anywhere
Users appreciate the flexibility to access learning materials on any device, at any time. This makes learning more accessible and fits into the busy schedules of users. Whether you’re on the go or at home, LesLinq allows you to learn wherever and whenever it suits you best.

Accessibility increases motivation

A user-friendly and easily accessible platform boosts the motivation to learn. Our research indicates that accessibility is crucial for sustained motivation. LesLinq ensures that everyone can effortlessly access the learning materials, lowering the barrier to starting the learning journey.

Familiarity enhances learning experience
Users with more experience using LesLinq report higher levels of both motivation and learning enjoyment. This suggests that becoming familiar with the platform positively impacts the overall learning experience. The more you use LesLinq, the more enjoyable and effective your learning becomes.

microlearning research results

High user ratings

LesLinq scores an impressive average of 8.8 user experience score. This indicates that users are highly satisfied with the platform. The high ratings affirm the effectiveness and user-friendliness of LesLinq.

microlearning research results

Improved learning experience
The findings from our research show that LesLinq not only offers an innovative e-learning solution but also genuinely improves the learning experience.

Want to know more?

Curious to learn more about the research or about LesLinq? Get in touch with us—we’d love to help!

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