Exciting news! The question module in LesLinq has been expanded to include image-based multiple-choice questions. This means that you can now use images as answer options in your multiple-choice questions.
Increased Learning Effectiveness
There are several benefits to using images in multiple-choice questions. For instance, it better captures the attention of visually-oriented individuals or those who struggle with language and text. Additionally, the use of images helps improve the retention of the course material. Ultimately, this enhances learning effectiveness.
How Does It Work?
Creating a multiple-choice question with images is straightforward. From the dashboard, click on ‘Question Module’ and select ‘Multiple Choice Image.’
Then, you can add the question text and the images. Just like ‘Multiple Choice Text,’ ‘Multiple Choice Image’ offers extensive options to:
- Adjust the layout
- Set up feedback
- Configure animations
- Assign scores
- Link actions to specific answers
- And much more.
Curious to see how it works?
Check out a brief example of Image-Based Multiple Choice Questions in action here: https://ll.leslinq.com/iy5bLF
Ready to get started with LesLinq yourself?
We’d be delighted to provide you with a demo! Please get in touch with Chris Hof via phone (+31 682 077 845) or email.