Create a personalized Toolbox with your own look and feel

Toolbox meetings are crucial for a safer work environment. But how can you ensure that employees actually engage with the toolbox and, more importantly, remember and apply the content?

Personalized, interactive Toolboxes tailored to You

With LesLinq, you can create personalized, interactive toolboxes tailored to your exact needs, completely in your own style. Use your own colors, images, logo, and text. The toolboxes not only look familiar, but they are also interactive and engaging. This makes going through the toolbox not only useful but also enjoyable!

How does it work?

Below is an overview of the toolboxes we have available. These toolboxes can be fully customized to match the look and feel of your organization. Add your own logo, adjust colors, text, and images. Want to use text-to-speech? No problem. Need multiple languages? That’s possible too.

Accessible everywhere

The toolboxes are distributed via SMS, email, or QR code. Employees can complete the toolbox anywhere, regardless of their location or the device they use.


Logging in to complete the toolbox is not necessary. However, data is recorded to track whether the employee has completed the toolbox. This is very convenient for compliance purposes!

Customization available

Want a completely customized toolbox or safety training? We are here to help! Contact us for more information.

What can you customize?

Click on the interactive example below to see what you can adjust.

Available toolboxes

Click on one of the images. The toolbox will open in a new window. Can’t find the toolbox you want? Let us know.

Toolbox Safe hitching of loads

aanslaan van lasten toolbox

Toolbox Collision hazard

aanrijdgevaar toolbox

Toolbox Bracing concrete walls

afschoren betonwanden toolbox

Toolbox Big bags

big bags toolbox

Toolbox Construction lifts

bouwliften toolbox

Toolbox Construction site during the holiday period

bouwplaats tijdens vakantie toolbox

Toolbox Working safely in unfavorable weather conditions

doorwerken slecht weer toolbox

Toolbox Physical overload

fysieke overbelasting toolbox

Toolbox Harness belt

harnasgordels toolbox

Toolbox Lifting straps and round slings

hijsbanden en rondstroppen toolbox

Toolbox Sound

werken met geluid oolbox

Interested in a toolbox in your own style? We’d love to tell you more.

Leave your details below and we will contact you shortly.